Write Around the Room - Simple Sentences

Since my students love Write Around the Room activities so much, I decided to make some that involved sentences.  The first one I made is "Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences".  The are eight different sentences that the teacher hangs around the room.  The students grab a clipboard and a recording sheet and head out to search for the sentences.  When they find a sentence, they write it down on their recording sheet next to the corresponding number. 
Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com

 When they write the sentence, they need to be sure they are paying attention to all the elements of a sentence:capital at the beginning, spaces, nice handwriting, and punctuation at the end.

Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com

Grab a copy of "Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences" here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com

I also made "Spring Write Around the Room:Simple Sentences."  In this activity, the students aren't writing down the whole sentence, just one word.  Each recording sheet has eight sentences for the students to complete by writing in the missing word. They will find the words with their corresponding pictures hanging in the room and copy them into their sentence.  Once they have found all of the missing words, they can then read all the sentences to themselves, a friend, or the teacher.
Spring Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com

This activity includes six different recording sheets for easy differentiation.  
***Recording papges 2-5 have the same sentence repeated throughout the page.
Recording page 2: "I see the..."
Recording page 3: "I like the..."
Recording page 4: "Look at the..."
Recording page 5: "Here is the..."
Recording page 6 has eight different sentences using the words: I, a, like, likes, you, go, see, the, to, can, we, my, mom, he, has, have
Recording page 7: Uses some of the same words from page 6 but concentrates on the word "said" and quotation marks.

Spring Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com

You can get your copy of "Spring Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences" here on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Spring Write Around the Room: Simple Sentences, www.justteachy.blogspot.com